Friday, September 4, 2009

Article:- Labor Day Dangers To Avoid

This was taken from the ASPCA website. Enjoy!

Labor Day Dangers to Avoid

Labor Day weekend marks summer’s unofficial end, and many families are heading out—with their companion animals—for end-of-season getaways. The ASPCA hopes you enjoy the last days of summer and reminds you to make sure your four-legged friends enjoy a safe holiday, too. By following these simple safety tips, you can rest assured your pet will remain happy and healthy during his last summer blast!

Do not apply any sunscreen or insect repellent product to your pet that is not labeled specifically for use on animals. Ingestion of sunscreen products can result in drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and lethargy. The misuse of insect repellent that contains DEET can lead to neurological problems.

Always assign a dog guardian. No matter where you’re celebrating, be sure to assign a friend or member of the family to keep an eye on your pooch; especially if you’re not in a fenced-in yard or other secure area. With all the festivities, it’s easy to overlook a dog on the run!

Made in the shade. Pets can get dehydrated quickly, so give them plenty of fresh, clean water, and make sure they have a shady place to escape the sun. Be careful to not over-exercise them, and keep them indoors when it's extremely hot.

Always keep matches and lighter fluid out of paws’ reach. Certain types of matches contain chlorates, which could potentially damage blood cells and result in difficulty breathing—or even kidney disease in severe cases. Lighter fluid can be irritating to skin, and if ingested, can produce gastrointestinal irritation and central nervous system depression. If lighter fluid is inhaled, pneumonia and breathing problems could develop.

Keep your pet on his normal diet. Any change, even for one meal, can give your pet severe indigestion and diarrhea. This is particularly true for older animals who have more delicate digestive systems and nutritional requirements. And keep in mind that people foods such as onions, chocolate, coffee, avocado, salt, yeast dough, grapes and raisins can all be potentially toxic to companion animals.

Keep citronella candles, insect coils and oil products out of reach. Ingesting any of these items can produce stomach irritation and possibly even central nervous system depression in your pets, and if inhaled, the oils could cause aspiration pneumonia.

Never leave your dog in the car on a hot day, even if you're just 'running in quickly'. If you can, leave the air conditioner on. Traveling with your dog means occasionally you’ll make stops in places where he’s not permitted. Be sure to rotate dog walking duties between family members. On a hot day, a parked car can become a furnace in no time, even with the windows open. It’s also illegal in several states!

Make a safe splash. Don’t leave pets unsupervised around a pool - not all dogs are good swimmers. Introduce your pets to water gradually and make sure they wear flotation devices when on boats. Rinse your dog off after swimming to remove chlorine or salt from his fur, and try to keep your dog from drinking pool water, which contains chlorine and other chemicals that could cause stomach upset.

*Also make sure you dog has an easy to access place around the pool where he is able to climb out of the water. I've witnessed several dogs 'freak out' when they got tired and couldn't easily get out of the pool. Make sure your dog know where the stairs are, for example.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Portland's Feline Fix-a-thon

Feline Fix-a-Thon in Portland, Oregon

Feline Fix-a-Thon helps low-income families alter their pets at a discount
by Roger Gregory, The Oregonian
Thursday August 13, 2009, 4:00 AM
Low-income families can get their cats spayed or neutered at a discount through the Cat Adoption Team's "Beat the Heat" Feline Fix-a-Thon, running through Sept. 4.

The special price is $20 per female cat or kitten and $10 for males. Surgeries are done at the shelter's hospital, 14175 S.W. Galbreath Drive.

Appointments must be booked by calling CAT's office at 503-925-8903. Cats or kittens must be at least 10 weeks old, weigh at least 2-1/2 pounds and be healthy.

Feral cats are not eligible for this program; CAT staffers suggest contacting the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon for assistance.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dog Park Etiquette For People

I know that as soon as you and your dog get to the dog park, it's tempting to just stand back and watch all of the activity or chat with other owners, but everybody will have a much more rewarding time if you observe some basic rules. Most of these rules are never posted at the actual dog parks but they involve common sense, responsible pet ownership and the respect for every other pet owner and dog that is in the park. Unfortunately in my experience, not enough pet owners abide by these rules but if they did, I think there would be a lot less problems that ensue in parks such as dog fights, arguments and various issues that come up. You need to realize that dog parks aren't a right, they're a privilege.

Please don't let bad behavior ruin things for everyone else. As I like to say as a professional pet sitter, it's the sitters that don't take their jobs seriously that ruin it for those of us who really care about our client's pets. This should go without saying for anyone who takes a dog into an enclosed off-leash dog park. It's a big responsibility and it should be taken seriously.

*My number one rule is: ALWAYS have control over your dog - whether he or she is on a leash; or if off-leash, you need to be able to call your dog back to you verbally, or with the use of a whistle or other tool. You need to be able to take charge and get control over your animal if a fight breaks out. You need to be able to remove your animal immediately from the park if he or she is causing a problem among the other dogs. You should also be supervising your dog - I don't advise turning your back on your dog's location.

*Always be aware of other dogs and the signals they are displaying. Take the time to learn dog behavior and body language - this gives you an edge in being able to identify a dog that may be fearful or shy around other dogs - you may be able to catch an approaching dog who is aggressive and be able to remove your dog from a potentially negative confrontation.

*Some of my best advice includes: not trusting that every other pet owner in the park has complete control over their dog(s), and, never assume that they know how to handle their animal, especially if a fight breaks out. Whenever I take a dog into a park, I have the leash on me, ready to use if needed. I leave the choke chain or halter on the dog so that I have something to grab onto if needed. I like to frequently 'check on' my dog by calling he or she back to me, where I give some TLC and treats for coming to me when called. I really like to use dog parks as a training tool - some dogs are more susceptible to not coming when called if they are distracted, so bring delicious treats with you and use some of your time in the park as a training session. I do training sessions every time I take a dog out for exercise, whether it's just around the neighborhood or to a dog park.

*ALWAYS clean up after your dog. This is the primary reason why dog parks get complaints, so pay attention to what your dog is doing and where it is, and pick up the poop. Even if you find poop that has not come from your dog, be responsible, respectful of the park and clean it up - after all, we've all been caught not looking.

*Keep your dog on-leash until you get to the off-leash area. This is not just respectful to neighbors and other park users, but it's much safer for your dog. Many parks are located in public parks with large parking lots and drivers may not be looking out for dogs in the street, so I don't advice letting your dog run around lose until you are safely inside the dog park boundaries.

*Children should be supervised closely, especially when approaching other dogs. I highly recommend getting permission from the dogs' owner to pet the dog. Many dogs are fearful or uncomfortable around children. I like to recommend that people do not bring their young children or babies into a dog park because it adds to the hazards already present. Dogs tend to play rough with their playmates and may run up to a child with the same playfulness and your child could get seriously injured.

*IMPORTANT - DO NOT bring a dog that is in estrus, or 'in heat'. This includes male dogs who are not fixed, as they can easily and very quickly, impregnate a female dog in the park. It can take a matter of seconds for two dogs to mate and many times this ends in unwanted pregnancies and angry dog owners. Please leave your dogs at home if they are not yet spayed or neutered. It's very irresponsible for any pet owner to allow their unfixed dogs to roam free. Please only bring your dogs if they have been spayed or neutered. Besides the risk of pregnancy, the hormones in dogs who have not been fixed, can many times cause fights between other dogs, as well as other problems.

*Don't allow your dog to harass other dogs or people. This means having respect for other people in the park. Not everyone wants to be jumped up on, have their hands slobbered on, or most importantly, have their crotches sniffed constantly. These are behaviors that you, the dog's owner, needs to be aware of and prevent if at all possible. Please teach your dog that jumping up on anyone is not okay. It's important to reprimand your dog when around strange people and unfamiliar dogs. If your dog is making someone uncomfortable, it is best to move your dog away from that person or leave the park immediately. This is especially important when the dog park shares a community park where children play.

*If your dog is having health problems, please consider staying at home. Please do not risk spreading disease or infection to the other dogs. Many ailments can make your dog uneasy around other dogs, especially if your dog is not feeling like it's normal self, and this can result in fights, aggression and potential injuries.

*Do bring treats to reward your dog for good behavior, like coming to you when called. But, please do not give your treats to other dogs. You should always get the owner's permission to give treats. This is very important because you have no idea if that other dog has certain health problems that may prevent it from digesting certain foods or you may give a treat that then causes a severe allergic reaction. This should be common sense. I know it's tempting to reward a cute dog for being sweet and nice to your dog but use your judgement - if in doubt, ask that dog's owner for permission.

All dog parks have municipal codes posted. Know your local dog laws, for both city and county - especially laws that require licensing and leashing, and follow them. This is not just for the safety of your own dog, but also for every one else.

Some good sites for more information include:

Dog Parks & Liability for Dog Bites:

Park (State & National) Dog/Pet Rules:

You can do a Google search to find more information on your own city and county rules regarding leash laws, dog park rules by city and much more.

**Dog parks should be a wonderful place to take your dog(s). If everyone follows these basic rules, you will be helping prevent injuries, fights and other problems that are associated with dog parks. By following these simple rules, you will also allow more dog parks to be built and operate smoothly, instead of being shut down - which is what happens when people do not follow these rules. Let's keep dog parks around for everyone to use and enjoy!

The Truth About Feeding ONLY Dry Food

Down With Dry Food

Dry food is, well... dry!
Dogs and cats are designed to eat carcasses and other fresh food, which contain a great deal of moisture, at least 70%. Compare this to packaged dry food which averages 8% moisture. So imagine what the animal has to make up by drinking water! Processing dry proteins puts a greater burden on their system, especially the kidneys. I think we can all agree that our pets are definitely not designed to eat dry nuggets of processed food. You don't eat this way, so why should your pet?

Do Cookies Clean your teeth?

Many people believe that dry food helps keep their pet's teeth clean. Chewing will help keep your pet's teeth and gums healthy, so offer raw bones or natural dried chews (not rawhide, but dried muscle or tendon). Or, do regular brushing with pet toothpaste (it tastes good, and, most importantly, doesn't foam up).

What Else is Missing in Dry Food?

To put it simply - LIVE food! Dry food doesn't have the enzymes that fresh food naturally contains. This forces the body to provide those missing enzymes itself, which can put stress on the system, especially the pancreas. Naturally occurring vitamins derived from food are always preferable to synthetic vitamins. Naturally derived nutrition is by design more balanced and usable by the body, and offers many trace elements that work together in the body.

The Bare Essentials

We know it's convenient to feed plain dry food, but I urge you to add a couple of things. Number one, add moisture, at least in the form of water poured over the food (healthy water, that means natural or filtered). You can add nutrition along with moisture if you add fish oil and canned food. Digestive enzymes are also a good addition for animals that aren't eating fresh food, who suffer from chronic illness, or are elderly.

"All-In-One" Supplements

Pets eating dry food don't need additional synthetic vitamins. They need naturally occurring vitamins from real food. One good way to optimize your pet's dry food diet is by adding a plant-based "all-in-one" supplement. The supplements will vary in their ingredients so be careful. The idea is to use highly nutritious foods to boost the processed food. Most of these supplements contain kelp and alfalfa, two very nutritious plants. They may also contain things like bee pollen, flax seed, garlic, nettle, and dandelion. Some are aimed toward boosting the immune system, while others are more of a spring tonic to help cleanse the blood and boost liver function. Some of the companies that make good ones are: Animal Essentials, The Wholistic Pet, The Honest Kitchen, and The Missing Link.

Any fresh food you can add is a good thing. You can add up to 25% additional fresh food to a dry diet without throwing off the balance too much. This really means fresh food from your own kitchen. The key is feeding healthy fresh food. This means avoiding most of the stuff you should avoid and sticking to natural, mainly RAW food. If you really look at the list below of items to add, you nearly have a healthy diet - without the dry food!

-Raw egg (from a reputable source)
-Raw or cooked meat or organ meats
-Yogurt, Kefir, or raw milk
-Soaked (if rolled) or cooked whole grains (millet, quinoa, oats, buckwheat, barley, rye)
-A few berries
-Assorted veggies (ground or grated is best if they're raw), NO ONIONS
-Aloe Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar
-Sweet Potatoes (cooked or out of a can) **Cats especially LOVE these in their diet!**
-Alfalfa, kelp, garlic (small to moderate amount)

New Option For Shelf-Stable Food:

If you rely on dry food because it's shelf-stable (doesn't need to be refridgerated/frozen), there are new dehydrated foods on the market that you can store on the shelf for just as many months, but are less processed. Some are dehydrated or freeze-dried versions of a companies' raw food diet (Nature's Variety, Bravo). Others are designed as their own unique diet. The Honest Kitchen has a food that is human-grade dehydrated food that looks powdery when dry, with a few recognizable chunks of banana and coconut. You just add warm water and let it sit for a bit (approx 10 min). They make 3 dog foods (2 without grains, one with), a cat food, and a veggie/vitamin mix that you can add meat to. One great thing about this food is that it mixes easily with dry, canned or raw, so this is another way to upgrade a dry food diet. It's not cheap, but you get a really good product. It's a good thing to have up on the shelf in case it is needed.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Happy Ending - Tick-infestied Leo is found!

"Happy ending": It's not exactly Disney, but the tick-infested Leo is found nine months later
by Kimberly A.C. Wilson, The Oregonian
Thursday April 16, 2009, 9:40 PM

Before going missing for nine months in southern Oregon, Leo spent a day at the beach with his owners, Marisa Davis and Jason McNichols. Leo was reunited with them Thursday.

Nine months and $2,000 after he disappeared in the wilds of southern Oregon, Leo the border collie is heading home to Northeast Portland.

He may appear a bit wolf-like now, shaggy and a wild look in the eye. But he was a well-groomed 2-year-old herding dog last Fourth of July weekend, when Jason McNichols, 30, and fiancee Marisa Davis, 29, left him with friends while they rafted for an hour on the Rogue River.

Agility-course trained and keen at playing Frisbee, Leo had never given the couple a reason to worry. But on that summer afternoon, he suddenly bolted when a friend pulled up to the Graves Creek boat landing to await McNichols and Davis.

"We were heartbroken," said McNichols.

The pair posted lost-dog fliers in Galice, the closest hamlet, six miles upriver, and in other towns to the north, where they were camped. Given Leo's distinctive brown, white and black coloring, they figured it wouldn't be long before someone spotted the 50-pound pup. But despite days spent hiking the area during her summer break from teaching at a Beaverton middle school, Davis couldn't find Leo.

So McNichols hired Longview, Wash., tracker Harry Oakes, whose corpse-sniffing dog tipped off investigators seven years ago to the buried remains of two murdered girls in the yard of convicted killer Ward Weaver.

The search dog pointed out one of Leo's trails, McNichols said, suggesting that the dog had at least survived a week on his own. But after no more news for the next eight months, there came Nanette Martin's phone call in early April.

On a break during a motorcycle ride through Galice, Martin spotted one of the Leo fliers. She recognized him at once as a stray that appeared now and then on her property 25 miles south of Galice in Wilderville.

"And when I saw the sign I thought, 'Oh my God, that's that lost dog,'" Martin said.

Turns out, Wilderville residents had been seeing the border collie with a patterned collar darting around town since November. Skittish around humans, he wandered through the woods, pilfering cat food.

"Everybody saw him but nobody could get close to him," Martin said.

After the call, McNichols and Davis took last Friday off and drove south to resume the search. More than once, they spotted Leo at a distance but he would flee. Finally, McNichols called Bug's Inc., a pest control company in Grants Pass that uses cages to trap cougars. He and Davis had to return to Portland, but on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, Martin helped workers set a trap for Leo on a neighbor's property.

Finally, on Wednesday night, Martin called McNichols and asked if he wanted to speak with Leo, who sat nearby, scared but wagging his tail. Tempted by a can of cat food, dog kibble and a breast of chicken from Albertsons, the dog had walked into the cage.

Thursday morning, McNichols and Davis were reunited with Leo. Shaggy and covered in ticks, he seemed to be the pet the couple had lost.

Before heading for their home in the Rocky Butte area of Portland, they took Leo to the Wilderville Store to formally introduce residents to the dog who wandered through the area all those months.

"It's such a happy ending," a giddy Martin said Thursday afternoon.

McNichols agreed.

"Nine months later, and he's fine," he said, after taking the dog to a Eugene vet for a checkup. "All muscle. He only lost three pounds in the whole ordeal. We can't wait to get him home."

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 2009 Portland Animal Events

This is something I'd like to do for each upcoming month. It also helps me to remember some fun upcoming things to go do and gives me outlets for volunteering with animals in Portland. Please contact me if your event is not included - as I'm just pulling these from the local shelter websites and other websites + Spot and the other Portland area animal magazines. So feel free to submit your event to me to put on the calendar for each month!

APRIL 2009 Animal Friendly Events in the Portland, Oregon area:

April 1st: Fuzzy, Furry & Feathered Friends Photo Contest Opens
April 1 - May 31

Have a favorite photo of your pet? OHS is looking for great photos of cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, horses, and other pets for its 18th annual photo contest. Entry forms available here April 1st. Wonderful prizes provided by Pro Photo Supply. For more information visit the OHS Photo Contest Webpage:

April 14th: Klamath Falls, OR Magpies Trip
When: Apr 14, 2009 08:00 AM to Apr 17, 2009 05:00 PM

Look for Snow and Ross’s Geese, ducks, raptors and more in the Klamath Basin. Courting Clark’s Grebes are possible. Base of operations is Klamath Falls. Contact Dick Demarest, 503-407-7912 or Don Stein, 541-765-7567 for details.

Nature Night: Arctic Dreams and Nightmares: Wildlife Conservation in a Changing Arctic Alaska
When: Tuesday Apr 14, 2009 from 07:00 pm to 08:30 pm
Heron Hall, 5151 NW Cornell Rd, Portland, OR
Nature Night is free and open to the public

*Please note there has been a change in speaker*

Steve Zack, Wildlife Conservation Society

Arctic Alaska contains one of the world’s great migratory spectacles with birds migrating to breed there from every continent, every ocean. The most important Arctic wetlands are in western Arctic Alaska, home of the biggest single piece of public land in the United States. The Arctic’s climate is changing more quickly than anywhere else on earth, risking to transform this region and its wildlife in dramatic and diverse ways. Further, expanding energy development is displacing species and causing other challenges to wildlife conservation. The Wildlife Conservation Society has been on the ground in Arctic Alaska since 2001, attempting to understand wildlife amid such changes and seeking protection for key areas of wildlife importance. Steve Zack will present an overview of this dramatic region in transition, with emphasis on migratory shorebird conservation concerns.

April 15: Wood Warblers of Oregon
When: 07:00 pm to 09:00 pm
Steve Engel

Join us for a multi-media presentation by Doug Robberson on the wood warblers of Oregon. In addition to pictures and songs there will be video of birds in their natural surroundings. This is a good time to become familiar with Oregon warblers such as MacGillivray’s, Wilson’s and Orange-crowned Warblers as they have just begun to arrive from their tropical wintering grounds. The common wood warblers of Oregon will be the focus with some not so common species included.

FEE: $10 members / $15 non-members
FREE to volunteers!

April Wed 15: Free Seminar: Becoming the Leader. A Pawsitively Pawssible Approach.
Description: This free seminar teaches you the vital basics of dog training, including an intro to positive reinforcement training, how to teach your dog self control, patience, acceptance and most importantly to respect us. Everyone receives a free clicker and those who enroll in Super Dog will receive a free Easy Walk harness. This is a humans only class that is free to the public, not just Super Dog students. Although walk-ins are allowed register today so you don't get turned away!
Location: Pawsitively Pawssible, 1500 NW 18th Ave., Suite #105 Portland, OR
Time: 6:45pm
For more info visit:

April Fri 17: Indoor Dog Park Fun at PetUtopia

Learn how to keep your dog safe at the dog park. Bring your puppy or small dog in for supervised socialization. Bobbie Lyons will teach you about appropriate body language for play and what to watch for to keep your dog safe. This is a great way to socialize your dog and start them off with good habits when greeting and playing with other dogs. Class starts April 3, 2009 running every Friday from 1:00 to 2:00 on a drop in basis. Cost is $10 per session.
Location: PetUtopia, 8670 SW Scholls Ferry Rd., Beaverton, OR
Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm
For more info: Visit

April Sat 18: Wapato Access Greenway State Park
When: 08:00 am to 11:00 am
Backyard Bird Shop - call first!

Co-sponsored with Backyard Bird Shop. Meet at Wapato Greenway Access State Park on Sauvie Island for a leisurely walk around the small lake. We’ll look for songbirds, sapsuckers and waterfowl. From Portland take Hwy 30 West towards St Helens. Take Sauvie Island Bridge onto island and head north. Stay left at the Y with Reeder Rd. and continue for 0.5 mile to Wapato parking lot on left. An island parking permit is not needed at this site. Meet at 8am, bring binoculars and dress for weather. Beginners welcome! 8am-11am

April Sat 18th: Problem Pooch
12:30 - 1:30 pm at the Oregon Humane Society
(Ehmann Classroom, AMLC)

Find out why your dog does that at a round table discussion of animal behavior problems with an OHS expert. Please leave your pets at home. No RSVP required; $30 suggested donation.

Sat & Sun April 18 & 19: Northwest Pet & Companion Fair
9:30 am - 6:00 pm Saturday, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm Sunday at the Portland Expo Center, Hall E

Admission: $7 each, $5 for students and seniors
The Expo Center also charges for parking.
Bring your dog and check out Portland’s largest pet fair! More than 250 exhibitors are on hand to introduce you to the latest in pet care, food, toys and fun. Stop by the DoveLewis booth to play cool games and win fabulous prizes!

The two-day event provides both human guests and pets with a variety of activities, educational materials, entertainment, as well as over 150 retail and nonprofit groups. For more information visit the NW Pet Fair Website: Discount Coupon available here:

April Sunday 19: Legacy Society Inaugural Event
DoveLewis Community Room—1945 NW Pettygrove, Portland
4:00PM to 6:00PM

DoveLewis invites you to join us in celebrating our newly established Dr. Richard Werner Legacy Society. This social gathering honors our visionary supporters who share a belief in the power of Estate Planning and know the legacy they leave will grow and support the human–animal bond for future generations. Meet Richard Werner, veterinarian and DoveLewis’ founding father and hear his first hand stories about how the DoveLewis vision became reality back in 1973. Enjoy appetizers, wine and dessert, take a behind–the–scenes tour and get an up–close look at our newest life saving equipment.

All who have committed to supporting the future of DoveLewis through Estate Planning or those who simply want to learn more about it are invited to attend. The Dr. Richard Werner Legacy Society is strictly honorary in nature and involves no dues, obligations or solicitations.

RSVP is required - please RSVP to Lori Warner–McGee, or 503.535.3382.

April Monday 20: Bay Ocean Spit Magpies Trip
When: 08:00 am to 03:00 pm

Join Leader Juergen Mueller for a trip to Tillamook Bay, Cape Meares and Netarts Bay. We will be looking for waterfowl on the way to their breeding grounds. Meet at the McDonalds in North Plains at 8am or the new Safeway in Tillamook in the Northwest corner of the parking lot at 9:15am.Bring a lunch and dress for the weather. For information call Juergen at 503-742-2464.

April Tues 21: Light-Fingered Five Goes to the Dogs - a benefit for OHS.
7:30 pm at Theatre! Theatre!, 3430 SE Belmont St.

Make your laughter help dogs in need at OHS! Enjoy an evening of improv comedy by Light Fingered Five, and 100% of net proceeds from the event goes to OHS. Tickets on sale at the door for $10.

Intro to Dog Training Class
5:30 - 6:00 pm at the Oregon Humane Society
(Ehmann Classroom, AMLC)

A prerequisite for Basic Manners classes for dogs. Learn about Basic Manners classes, requirements (spay/neuter & vaccinations), our positive philosophy, and ask questions. Free to attend; no registration required. Visit the OHS Training Webpage for more information about OHS Dog Training Classes:

April 22: Save the Frogs with Dr Kerry M Kriger
When: 05:30 pm to 06:30 pm

Amphibian declines and extinctions: where to from here?
A FREE Earth Day Lecture

Frog populations worldwide have been declining at unprecedented rates, and nearly one-third of the world's 6,468 amphibian species are threatened with extinction. Amphibians are faced with an onslaught of environmental problems, including pollution, infectious diseases, habitat loss, invasive species, climate change, and over-harvesting for the pet and food trades. Dr. Kriger will discuss these threats then detail his vision for SAVE THE FROGS!, the new nonprofit organization he founded and directs.

Dr. Kriger holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Griffith University in Gold Coast, Australia. His research into amphibian declines has been supported by the National Geographic Society and other philanthropic organizations throughout the world. His current research focuses on the amphibian disease chytridiomycosis.

5151 NW Cornell Road
Portland, OR 97210
Phone: 503.292.9453

April Sat 25: Intro to Dog Training Class
2:00 - 2:30 pm at the Oregon Humane Society
(Ehmann Classroom, AMLC)

A prerequisite for Basic Manners classes for dogs. Learn about Basic Manners classes, requirements (spay/neuter & vaccinations), our positive philosophy, and ask questions. Free to attend; no registration required.

April Sat 25: Gabriel Park Veterinary Clinic Open House
Gabriel Park Veterinary Clinic is celebrating their clinic's new expansion. They will have adoptable cats from Animal Aid, adoptable dogs from Golden Bond Rescue, Beaverton Police K9 units (doing a demo!), food, prizes, and raffles!
Location: Gabriel Park Veterinary Clinic, 4421 SW Vermont St., Portland, OR
Time: 12:00 - 4:00pm
For more info: or call 503-245-7275

April Sun 26: Dr. PAWS Educational Lecture Series
Dr. PAWS is a monthly lecture series presented by a variety of pet care specialists about specific pet topics. The series is meant to help pet owners make informed decisions regarding different pet issues. Parasites: Fleas, Ticks, Giardia, and Hookworms and different methods of prevention will be discussed on April 26th. This event is sponsored by VCA West Linn Animal Hospital and The Dog Club of West Linn. Cost: Free.
Location: The Dog Club of West Linn, 18675 Willamette Dr., West Linn, OR
Time: 2:00 - 3:00pm
For more info: Brianne at 503-635-3523

April Wed 29: Yappy Hour
6-8 pm at Paragon Restaurant, 1309 NW Hoyt St., Gallery Room

Join Lexi Dog Boutique & Social Club, the Oregon Humane Society, and Bishop Creek Cellars for a social hour for both you and your dog. Yappy Hour was voted best place to hang out with your pet by readers of Portland Monthly. Meet OHS dogs available for adoption, and enjoy food and wine, of which a portion of sales will be donated to OHS!

Upcoming May Events:

May Fri 1: Dog Massage for Owners Class
Rubi Sullivan, a certified animal massage therapist, will be offering a 'Dog Massage for Owners' class. Bring your four legged friend in and learn basic massage strokes to use on them at home. Heal provides dog beds for the class, take-home information and doggie bags. Please sign up at the location before the day of the class. Cost is only $40. And don't forget to bring your dog with you!
Location: Healthy Pets Northwest in SW Portland (
Time: 6:00 - 7:30pm
For more info:

May 5 & 6: Magpies Birdathon
When: May 05, 2009 07:00 AM to May 06, 2009 04:30 PM

Join Denny Graham and Mike Skinner for the Magpies Birdathon. Tuesday we meet in the Mt. Tabor Volcano parking lot for birding Mt. Tabor then Ridgefield NWR. Wednesday we meet at the Tualatin Hills Nature Park Interpretive Center, 15655 SW Milikan Way. We will spend the early morning looking for songbirds at THNP, then proceed to Tualatin NWR, Gotter Prairie and Jackson Bottoms. Bring a lunch and water both days. You may attend one or both days. For information contact Denny Graham @ 503-659-1245 home / 503-351-8706 cell or Mike Skinner @ 503-590-3963 home /503-686-5126 cell.

May Sat 9: Festival of the Birds
When: 10:00 am to 03:00 pm
Karen Munday
503.292.6855 x122

Join Audubon Society of Portland, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the City of Portland for a Celebration of Migratory Birds.

Oaks Bottom and other natural areas in Portland are important to migrating birds for nesting, wintering, resting and re-fueling. Come and see birds hailing from as far away as Argentina in Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge, the City of Portland’s first designated Migratory Bird Park.

This is a free festival for the whole family to celebrate International Migratory Bird Day. No registration is required.

* Guided Bird Walks from 9 am – 2 pm. Come enjoy bird walks led by local naturalists. You will be amazed by the large variety of migratory birds that use Oaks Bottom and other Portland natural areas during their migratory route.

* Children’s Activities. Kids will love the bird related hands-on activities for children aged 3 – 11.

* Storytelling and Live Music by local storytellers and musicians. Come hear songs and stories about migratory birds in the Portland area.

* Education Birds from Audubon Society of Portland’s Wildlife Care Center. Meet in person Finnegan the Peregrine Falcon, Julio the Great Horned Owl, Hazel the Northern Spotted Owl, Jack the American Kestrel, Ruby the Turkey Vulture and Aristophanes the Common Raven.

* Interactive Displays. Visit with local partners of the Migratory Bird Treaty Program and find out what is happening locally to protect and enhance our bird populations.

Portland's Favorite Pet Event - Coming in May 2009!

Downtown Portland goes to the dogs on May 9th for the 22nd Annual OHS Doggie Dash. Help us raise $245,000 for animals and have a great time doing it.

Please note: Cars will be banned from Naito Parkway for the 1.5 mile walk for pets and people (dogs not required!). We've also added a new 2.5 mile bridge-to-bridge loop for runners and walkers.

We'll transform Waterfront Park into a huge "barking lot" for for an estimated 5,000 people and almost as many four-legged friends, plus vendors, live music, and contests to show off your dog;'. The 2008 Doggie Dash was voted Portland's favorite pet event by readers of Spot magazine!

Here are the details

When: May, 9th, 2009. On-site registration opens at 7:30 am; runners leave at 9:00 am; walkers begin at 9:15 am. Online registration is now open.

Where: Tom McCall Waterfront Park in Portland. The main registration tent is located in the park near the intersection of SW Naito Parkway and SW Pine St. (close to the Battleship Oregon monument). Vendor booths and demonstration areas will stretch along the park from Pine St. to the Morrison Bridge.

The Course: The 1.5 mile course begins on SW Naito Parkway near Stark St. You'll proceed down a car-free Naito Parkway to approximately the Hawthorne bridge, then turn north along the park's seawall, then return south again on Naito Parkway.

Bridge to Bridge Option: Our new 2.5 mile route uses the same stating and ending points as the 1.5 mile route, but now takes Dashers over the Hawthorne Bridge, down the Eastbank Esplanade, over the Steel Bridge, and back to Waterfront Park. It's dog friendly and has great views of the city. Runners go at 9:00 at 2.5 mile run, followed by walkers on the 2.5 mile route at 9:15, followed by walkers on the 1.5 mile loop at 9:30.

Contests & Activities: Doggie Dash activities continue until 1 pm with fun for all:

-Doggie contests such as Best Kisser, Musical Chairs, Strangest Mutt Mix, Best Dressed Dog, Best Singing Duo, and more (full list).

-Frisbee clinic and demonstration by Greg Gustafson of Border Collies International. You can enter your dog in the Frisbee contest.

-Free dog examinations by Banfield, The Pet Hospital.

-Vendor booths with pet products and services.

-Live music by the Lost Creek bluegrass band.

-Pancake breakfast for all registered Dashers.


Waterfront Park will be lined with vendors who support OHS efforts to rescue, shelter and find homes for animals. Watch this space for a complete list of vendors who will be offering pet-friendly products and services.

Raise Donations and Earn Prizes: See more information here:

Getting There by Tri-Met: Bring Your Dog!

Although dogs are usually not allowed on TriMet, TriMet is making an exception for Doggie Dash! Riders can bring their dogs to and from Doggie Dash on any TriMet MAX train until 2 pm on May 9th. Riders with dogs should bring their Dash registration receipt and/or their Dash race “bib” as proof they are going to Doggie Dash. Regular fares apply to riders, but dogs ride free!

Dog owners need to follow these rules:

* Dogs must be under the owner’s control - leash or in a crate - at all times.
* Dogs must be wearing a head collar such as Gentle Leader or wear a muzzle.
* Dogs need to be wearing an ID tag that includes the owner's contact information.
* Dogs and riders must use only the rear car only of a two-car train.


Smart Park Garages at:

SW 1st & Jefferson
SW 3rd & Alder (closest to registration tent)
SW 4th & Yamhill
NW Naito & Davis

For more information and forms, click here: